Climax Keyless Locking Assemblies provide timing solutions for steel mill production lines providing a cost-effective and maintenance-friendly alternative to traditional keyed connections.

Steel MillTraditional methods used to mount mechanical power transmission components in steel mills, incorporate the use of gears and keyways. After some time these keyed connections begin to deteriorate causing components to become out of sync, resulting in maintenance issues and downtime consequently affecting the production and profitability of the mill.

The hot rolled bar production line in a steel mill has gears in the transfer station for lifting the hot metal bars. These gear/lifting arm combinations demand strict sync tolerances in order for the transfer process to run smoothly.  Eventually as these arms pick up and transfer large quantities of very long steel bars, the keyed connection is compromised, causing the lifting arms to lose synchronization and production to be halted. This need to periodically re-align the gears and/or replace expensive keyed shafting is often very expensive, difficult, and time consuming.

Using two back-to-back Climax Series C405 Keyless Locking Devices eliminates the corrosion and subsequent wear on keyed connections while providing the necessary torque capacity as well as desired safety factor. If the gears ever slip on the shaft due to a catastrophic overload, the locking devices can be easily loosened to realign gears and restore timing.

Climax offers an extensive line of keyless locking devices from stock and has the ability to engineer custom designs. Contact Climax for a quality engineered shaft locking solution.

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Categories: Industry Updates, Iron & Steel Mills

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